Where has Miel gone?

I’ve been missing in action from writing for the last several months. My blog, Vicarious Nomad, first started out as Where in the World is Miel, and these days it seems you should changed to Where in the World has Miel gone? Not specifically due to dropping off the edge of the earth to some remote locale (though there has been a fair amount of travel), but rather just a whole lot of life going on.

miel clark olivia jan 2015

To sum things up, try this one for size for a summary of seven months in a blurb. Gave birth at home to my dear sweet Clark. Ran several family businesses (while nursing) and increased the profits on both businesses several times over (Olivia Beach Camp Cabins and District Media). Tandemly sold our place in DC and bought a sweet bungalow in a fabulous location in Portland, Oregon (just 1.2 miles from my sis Darcy). If that wasn’t enough, then land my dream job as the new Executive Director of Green Empowerment. Add in travel (with my new born) to Oregon, the Bay Area, New Orleans, Tahoe, and Kenya to top it off.

So you can see that there has been just a bit going on in my life. Looking at my travel and schedule this spring I don’t see that decreasing any, but I do see the need and desire to partner with Darcy in authentically sharing about our finances and what that looks like as we seek our own versions of sustainable family finances.

After nearly nine years of finance blogging, on and off, there is perhaps more than ever to share with readers about what it takes to keep a family in balance, how we prioritize our finances is really how we prioritize our lives, and so much more.

Thanks in advance for reading, commenting, sharing with others. It helps inspire us to continue to share our stories. Thought I’d share a few fun pics of us this holiday season as well.

cronin bash 2014 zoo lights 2014



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