Imagining career options…then creating them…

Since my last post voicing my desire reinvent a new path as a micro-entrepreneur, I’ve honestly been second guessing myself a lot. I was actually on heavy pain meds at the time I posted it, and really wondered what I had done once I sobered up.

I’ve continued to consider my career options, but I realized that I’ve been spending more energy trying to talk myself out of it than on actually doing anything. It feels out of reach, and hard to believe.

So, I decided that I needed to at least start by writing down my higher goals:

  • Create better balance between career and family
  • Work approximately half time
  • Create community – build community capacity and create networks
  • Support fellow moms and families
  • Educate and inspire
  • Write, reflect and learn
  • Reduce climate change
  • Inspire simplicity
  • Grow friendships
  • Find/share resources
  • Hone public speaking skills
Yet, even once I typed up this list (copied from my written journal) it seems more like a wish list than a career plan.

One of the options I’ve been considering for over a year now is to become a Simplicity Parenting leader. This feels like it could truly fulfill all of goals, but it’s hard to know how much of a market there is for such services. There’s a thousand dollar training just to start-up, and even though it’s nothing compared to grad school, I wonder how long it would take to recoup, plus all the time/energy.

I’ve also been thinking about growing succulents to supply the local ecoroof movement (in high school I had a green house where I grew/sold veggie and flower starts, and I love being in the dirt.) Both of these options could fulfill my goals, but it’s hard to know which way to move first. So, today, I’ve finally decided that I need to stop questioning myself and start acting. I’m going to start with a few informational interviews in the hope that they may give me more insight, motivation, and inspiration.

Wish me luck!

Sustainable Family Finances 
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.

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