Healthy Eating & Living

In honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Obamas spent time yesterday volunteering at Stuart Hobson Middle School in the District of Columbia painting apples in support of Michele Obama’s initiative to create healthy eating and living habits.

Creating healthy eating habits for your kids (and yourself) is not only good for your health, but also good for your wallet.  Some quick tips on how healthy eating can help your bottom line.

  • Eat in, rather than out, is almost always healthier and cheaper
  • Veggie snacks, i.e. carrot sticks or ants on log (celery with peanut butter and raisins)
  • Hot cereal! This is a great and healthy alternative to expensive cereals, add in apples, raisins and nuts for an added bonus. Yum! 
  • Make your own applesauce with kids instead of cookies, they will remember the activity
  • Buy in bulk, you’ll save more than you think on good whole foods than you think you can
  • Make a list and stick to it.  Good intentions can go out the window to grocery marketing.  Better yet, shop at spud! (mention SFF and we get a referral)
  • Drink only tap water and you’ll save a bundle and be much healthier
  • Don’t buy junk food.  Not only is it bad for you, but it’s bad for your wallet
  • Buy in season and on sale, it is amazing how much you can save when you shop smart
  • Visit a farm and see where your food comes from, great cheap activity that reconnects

Help build happy, healthy, and smart kids.  Here is a great resource for kids volunteering , on a site called Compassionate Kids.

Another quick shout out to a great blog post on MLK, Jr. from the folks over at The Story of Stuff, entitled Honoring the Spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Through Action.

Did you volunteer yesterday?  It not too late, the volunteer spirit lasts all year!
What are your tips for healthy eating?

Sustainable Family Finances 
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.

2 thoughts on “Healthy Eating & Living

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Darcy,

    No volunteering for us yesterday, but had a great day. We got pastries from a local shop, visited a friend to see how Clean Energy Works worked at his place, knit a scarf with yarn (bought locally, of course), ran in the rare Jan. sun, and dug in the compost pile. Clearly, I am live in the NW.

    Two things directly on your post today.

    1) if you haven’t check out: I heard the story of this marketing effort on NPR months ago and cannot forget. you can also google ‘baby carrots’ for even more crazy commercials.

    2) Multnomah County is about to do a large roll out of “It Starts Here” campaign focusing on healthy active living.



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